September 2023






I think I should break up with him. Now it's been two months that we haven't seen each other. He has so many excuses. I don't want to be in a relationship where It's only me that takes action. I also want to ask for my photos back. He's been saying for about a month that he'll send them, but hasn't yet. I think I should reply to his last text and ask for the photos. He can then say that he hasn't got them yet (im sure he has, but whatever) and then I can ask when I can pick them up. I'm a bit sad because I really like him. But there's just not enough action to keep this relationship al


I'm a bit annoyed by myself. I have a very busy week ahead of me and I'm constantly feel boding myself. I'm annoyed by myself. 2 Still can't find a solution for the carpets and I know it's not rational. But I just feel like I've lost a bit of control with this whole project which makes me a bit sad. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm not sure I can do it. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm not sure I can do it. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm not sure I can do it. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm not sure I can do it. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm not sure I can do it. So many things to prepare for this week. And I'm





on 2 Was quite a busy day. up At ten I had my two-hour coaching session felt very good. With Anna. It was about how to make my art practice more visible. I want to find out what it's about Do I want to be known? Do I want to be recognised? What do I want from my art? to I need to figure out a few things on my end and then I can talk to the gallery. I want to make sure that the things I do have a proper context. My next steps would be to do a website and maybe some PR. At three I went to the gallery to help putting up the show. It was beautiful. All the applications were. on nice oak panels. Quite fortable. Afterwards I went to Toni's place to have a beer with her and the others. to was nice. Chatted a bit with Manu. On my way home I was thinking about how I missed Manu's company. and I started to cry. I miss sämi's company, too. But mostly I miss Manu's. Because I can't have it. I'm so scared that I'm gonna be stuck in this position of not having both things I want. I'm going to call him on Monday to talk about our cooperation for the website. I think he'll probably be busy then, so I'll ask him if we could do it next week. I'm looking forward to hearing his voice again. I don't know If I still want to be with him, but I want to be close to him. I I miss


I'm still not working on the website. Need to do that. I'm thinking too much about my crush. And sometimes there's a bit of anger towards him because thinking too much. I'm happy I got to know him because he's a great person. But I'd like to be over it. over it. So we I talked to Tilda yesterday and she told me that he's actually in a relationship. So finally some closure. I think I'll be sad about the fact that I couldn't talk to him about it but in the end, I'm happy for him, I hope everything's well with his girlfriend.











I'm feeling a bit lost. I've got my work but I don't know where to go with it. I've got my study but I don't know where to go with it. I've got my life in Basel but I don't know where to go with it. The modelling is fun, but I don't earn enough to pay my rent. I'm annoyed with myself for not finishing my thesis, I'm annoyed with myself for not having a better plan for the coding for my work. I'm annoyed with myself for not knowing what the art work





So we're gonna be having a kid. Sara, Sami's girlfriend, is pregnant. I'm happy for them. I might miss sämi's company a little. But I'm glad I don't have to take this decision alone. Now I don't have to decide how often I should see him. He told me a couple of days ago that he's gonna be busy with rehearsals and stuff until 10 October. So I might call him in November to get to know his situation. And I'll be happy to be an auntie. It's just exciting. I need to call my parents.








Saturday night and I'm at home. 2 an guess Sara and Sami are having a date night, Lex and Elisabeth are out and Sami told me I could write my diary. Had a great week at the Kunsthochschule. First week was Tutorials, second week my own project. I think I'm on a good way to finish my work in the given time. And I'm very happy with it. I think it's very interesting. The next week I should finish my work and prepare the exhibition. Gonna be busy. Excited. On Friday I was at the studio and started working on my work. Then I realised I needed a specific tool and couldn't continue. So I went home, called the number of the guy who produces it and he told me that he'll produce it from next week and would ship it to me. So I texted Sara and she said we could decide